B.A. LL.B. (Stell.)
Asset Manager and Consultant to Hugo Capital.
Victor studied law and economics at Stellenbosch and practiced as a
general commercial attorney before following his interest in investing
and trading with active technical strategies in 1992.
An independent analyst, investor, trader and publisher since 1992, he
is often quoted in the media. He was a rated trend and cycle analyst at
BOE Securities 1996 to 1998 and went on to contribute to building Hugo
Capital, a leading independent financial advisory and investment manager.
Victor writes one of the longest running and widely read market newsletters
in the country. He has been the Chairman of the Financial Technical Analysts
Society of South Africa since 1997. He has experience as hedge fund manager
and in active trading and investment strategies. He manages private portfolios
using his systems.
Victor's primary approach to investing is using advanced technicals and
cycles for selection, allocation and timing - in conjunction with value
and growth investment strategies. He is a recognised expert on measuring
and identifying trend persistence and relative strength relative to price
and time ranges, in the dynamic market environment.
Victor's interests include flying, his two children - 15 and 13, friends,
golf and the bush.
He is Chairman of the Bridgman Foundation and Vice Chairman of the Reinhallt
Jones charitable trusts that do foster care and career development support
for some 65 children.